I am very pleased that as many as 176 of you (that’s 42% of current students) responded to our annual Information & Library survey and have helped to give us a clearer picture of what you think of the service we offer.
The most obvious conclusion for us to draw from the survey is your view that the Information Centre needs more comfortable and private study spaces, and that the heating problem on the Mezzanine needs fixing urgently. We are already working on the heating, while the need for alternative (and more) study desks/chairs has been reported to Director of Operations Steve Lydall with whom I will be taking this forward.
Many other suggestions and comments were made that I am keen to follow-up and we hope to implement some of your other ideas very soon. A further post on this blog will detail these.
The 3 lucky winners of our survey prize draw, who all receive £30 Strada restaurant vouchers are: Martin Banjo (MBA), Maima Syakhroza (MPhil ISO), and Audrey Lim (MST).
Thanks again for your feedback.