Wondering which of our premium databases are best? According to our 2012/2013 usage stats, the most popular databases were:
- EBSCO Business Source Complete
Our largest buisness journals databases, offers articles, country data, industry data, financial data, market research, news and people. To connect from off-campus, choose ‘Shibboleth Login’. - Capital IQ
Global company data, key financials, competitor analysis, news. MBA, MFin and MPhil Finance students are pre-registered. All other students may request an account. - Factiva
Huge global database of world’s most important newspapers. Also contains industry trade journals. - Passport (from Euromonitor)
Global industry, market and country data. To connect from off-campus, choose ‘UK Institutions Users Login.’ - Investext
Investment broker reports from Thomson Reuters. Only works on Internet Explorer.
These are all great starting places for your research.
As always, please contact us with any questions. We are always happy to help you find just the right resource for your work.