Factiva is a global news database covering major newspapers, magazines and trade journals. It provides up-to-the-minute content and over 20 years of archived material.
To download a number of articles as a single PDF:
- Enter your search criteria and click on Run Search.
- Tick the box next to any articles you want to download (articles may be previewed in the pane to the right of the results). The results are displayed 50 at a time, but you can browse multiple sets of results before creating your PDF.
- Once you have ticked all the articles you want, click on the PDF button above the results. You will have the option of headline and article details only (Headline Format), full-text articles (Article Format), or full-text with a contents page at the beginning (Headline, Article and TOC). Select your preferred format.
- Factiva will then generate a single PDF containing all your requested articles and give you the option to open it now or save it anywhere you choose.