Ever felt bored by PowerPoint? Bullets, dense text, and fiddly graphics and videos can sometimes make PowerPoint presentations a bit dull.
Prezi is new presentation software that can liven up your presentations by making them more interesting and dynamic. Prezi gracefully moves between text and graphics, zooming into details and effortlessly showing videos.
It is easy to make your point or teach a concept with Prezi because it can zoom into the small details of charts, images and groups of words. These fluid movements of Prezi enable you to keep your audience’s attention (or at least wake them up).
Our staff have made a couple of interesting Prezis. Andy has one on “Twitter for Research” and Meg has one on “Personalised Library Services in a Virtual Environment”.
You can start using Prezi today by setting up a free account. Your Prezis are stored online and you can download them to show them offline. There is also a gorgeous Prezi app for the iPad.
Learn more about Prezi by watching this introductory video and following these excellent tutorials.
We are always happy to help you get started with Prezi and answer any questions. Please ask!