We have noticed that some of the most popular items in our collection were a small number of DVDs, so have decided to expand on the titles we currently offer by purchasing lots of new business-related films and TV series such as The Social Network, Up in the Air, The Office and Dragon’s Den.
Beyond business…
Although we know that all the courses here are intensive we thought you might also appreciate being able to kick back and relax once in a while, so we have also invested in some regular entertainment films and TV series as well, from Hollywood blockbusters, to foreign films and all-time classics.
Where are they?
The DVDs are now available below the Careers collection (near the entrance) to take out for your standard loan period, and they can be renewed and requested in the same way as books. They can also be borrowed on the self-service terminal. A full catalogue is available on Pinterest and they can also be found on Library Search.
Restrictions of use
In accordance with British law these films and TV series are for personal use only and may not be borrowed for public viewing in the School’s lecture theatres.
We are still processing the titles we have ordered so expect the collection to grow over the next few weeks.
Happy viewing!