You’ve found a fantastic article but it is an abstract only…Don’t worry! It’s always worth checking the eresources@cambridge website that lists all ejournals in every subject available across the University of Cambridge. Just type in a title of the journal and chances are it will be available in full text on one of our numerous databases, including the most popular Business Source Complete, ABI Inform Complete and JSTOR.
It is also possible to browse journals by subject – just choose ‘Business, Economy and Management’. There are more than 4,600 ejournals – you’ll be spoiled for choice!
You can find step-by-step instructions on using ejournals@cambridge in our video tutorial.
The LibrarySearch catalogue is a useful alternative if you want to search in one go for both electronic and print journals. Choose ‘Exact search’, then ‘Journals’ and search by a journal title. If a particular journal is not available online it’s likely that the main university library (the UL) has a paper copy of it. Fear not if the journal is not available in Cambridge – we can still get an article for you via our inter-library loan service.
Another option is to search Google Scholar for journal articles – just click on ejournals@cambridge link next to the article to retrieve full text (if available).