You need some broker reports but they’re too expensive right? Well, ordinarily yes they are, but during your time here we provide access to them for free. In fact, you’ll be spoiled for choice as you can get broker reports from not just one, not two, but THREE of our databases! You can access broker reports from Investext (via Mergent), J.P. Morgan and Bloomberg.
Investext (via Mergent): You’ll get just a few reports here – BUT only the most recent ones, so you won’t be overwhelmed and they’re all bang up-to-date. There are two options to search for company and industry reports: either by industry classification or by country/region.
J.P.Morgan: This database includes many reports – some very lengthy – that go as far back as 2011 and cover over 3,000 global companies as well as all major industries. Subjects include: financial services, investment, companies, securities, commodities, stocks, asset classes, industries, foreign exchange, economic conditions, and emerging markets.
Bloomberg: There is no remote access to this database but when you master its double-screen interface and see for yourself the wealth of data available – you’ll be hooked! For broker reports just enter the code ‘BRC’, and in ‘New search’ type a company name. There are lots of reports by various analysts. It’s possible to limit results: by a specific analyst/favourite analyst; by topic (industry focused research; analyst rating changes); by date, or by source (Bloomberg Intelligence, AlphaValue, Value-Kwik, Bleufin Research).
So there’s no excuse for not using broker reports in your research or for interview preparation!
As usual – if you want to know more on the topic – please chat with us in person or online, give us a ring or email. We are always happy to help!