Working on your assignment or preparing for a job interview? Need the latest info on a particular company or want to keep up with industry trends? Check Factiva – a huge global news database from Dow Jones that covers more than 35,000 international sources from 200 countries in 28 languages.
Factiva is our second most popular database after EBSCO as voted by Judge students. You’ll find lots of your favourite newspapers, magazines, journals and trade publications on this database, including:
– The Wall Street Journal
– Yomiuri Shimbun
– The New York Times
– The Times
– China Daily
– USA Today
– The Times of India
– The Financial Times (for today’s issue please go to
The database also searches local newspapers and blogs from around the world and provides photographs and videos as well.
You can search Factiva by keywords, title, subject, industry, country, language, and region. It’s even possible to change a language when you are doing your search – there are 9 to choose from. Also check the Companies/Markets section to get quick company and industry snapshots.
In short, Factiva is an important destination whatever you’re researching.