Our top 5 business databases 2013/2014

© JD Hancock via Flickr

We have one of the very best collections of business databases in Europe and every member of the team can point you to the best resource to use and show you how to use them. According to our 2013/2014 usage stats, the most popular databases were:

  1. EBSCO Business Source Complete
    Our largest business and management journals database, offering the full-text of articles from academic journals and trade magazines, and some invaluable country and company reports.
  2. Capital IQ
    Our largest web-based financial database, providing key financials, competitor analysis, charting. and screening functions. (EMBA, MBA, MFin and MPhil students are pre-registered. All other students may request an account.)
  3. Factiva
    Huge global database of the world’s most important newspapers and trade journals, including the Wall Street Journal and New York Times.
  4. Passport (from Euromonitor)
    Our most popular market research database offering market, country and industry data.
  5. FT.com
    The full-text of the UK’s most important business newspaper delivered daily to your desktop, tablet, or smartphone. These are all great starting places for your research. (We will email you a registration link.)

These five databases are all great places to start any research, however, they represent the tip of the iceberg. Here is the full list of all our databases.

Andrew Alexander

Andrew Alexander

Deputy Information & Library Services Manager