Forget about the price tag…
Did you know that a lot of the market research reports you will find on Google are available for free from our databases?
Did you know that a lot of the market research reports you will find on Google are available for free from our databases?
Did you know that ABI Inform Complete is a treasure trove of business information — from premium reports and publications to data sets, figures and tables? Read more…
A number of our databases provide economic data and reports: ABI Inform Complete This database provides reports and data from the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). Click on the Browse tab and scroll down to the Commodity Reports and Country Reports … Continued
To find a report: This information is also available as a video tutorial.
To find the market size for a particular sector: This information is also available as a video tutorial.
You can access company filings in full text on three of our databases: Bloomberg Capital IQ Thomson ONE Banker Need help? Please contact us.
Access to a copy of every issue of the Economist published between 1843 and 2003. Includes colour images, search indexes and exportable financial tables. Access the Economist Historical Archive via the eresources@Cambridge site. N.B. Current issues of the Economist are … Continued