Using the Annotated Stock Chart on Capital IQ
To build a chart: This information is also available as a video tutorial.
To build a chart: This information is also available as a video tutorial.
Capital IQ’s screening tool allows you to generate a list of companies by selecting a range of criteria such as a particular country and industry. This information is also available as a video tutorial.
Datastream provides access to an extensive historical archive of international company and economic data, which can be exported to Excel. To retrieve a time series of a company’s share price: This information is also available as a video tutorial.
To find a profile for a particular company: This information is also available as a video tutorial.
To find the market size for a particular sector: This information is also available as a video tutorial.
Follow these steps to generate a mail list for companies in a particular geographic region: This information is also available as video tutorial.
Access to a copy of every issue of the Economist published between 1843 and 2003. Includes colour images, search indexes and exportable financial tables. Access the Economist Historical Archive via the eresources@Cambridge site. N.B. Current issues of the Economist are … Continued